No Refund Policy

At AlgoTrade 360 Private Limited, we value transparency and want to ensure our users are well-informed about our policies. Please read the following 'No Refund Policy' carefully:

- All payments for our services, including subscription fees and other charges, are non-refundable.

- Our services are provided on a subscription basis, and once payment is made, it is considered as payment for the entire subscription period.

- The decision to subscribe to our services and the length of the subscription period is entirely at the discretion of the user.

- We encourage users to fully understand our services and offerings before making a subscription commitment. We offer demos and other resources to help users make informed decisions.

- In the event of technical issues or service disruptions, our team will work diligently to address and resolve the problems. However, this will not result in a refund of subscription fees.

- AlgoTrade 360 Private Limited is not responsible for losses or damages incurred by users while utilizing our services. Trading decisions and risks are the sole responsibility of the user.

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*Past results do not guarantee results in the future. Algo Trade 360 bears no accountability for trading performance. Acknowledge the risks connected with purchasing choices and use this information as guidance.